Khyati Education and Research Foundation

Registered Under Government of India NGO – Indian Trust Act 1882

Registered Under Government of India
NGO – Indian Trust Act 1882

Membership benefits

Khyati Education and Research Foundation

Membership Benefits:

  1. Ability to participate as a mentor/mentee in KERF Mentorship Program
  2. Subscription of Hardcopy of Journals – 30 % discount for Individual/Institutional member
  3. Khyati Conference, Poster Presentation, Paper Submission, training etc. - 30 % Discount applicable
  4. Online access e-resource for Library activation of IP Address - 30% Discount applicable
  5. Membership Certificate
  6. Conference grants to aid in travelling to scientific conferences
  7. Vote in elections for new Committee members
  8. Eligible to apply for one of our awards
  9. Display name in the membership directory
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